Wisdom Teeth Removal

Twin Falls, ID Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Comfortable and Friendly Oral Surgery Services

Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are the final teeth to erupt within your mouth. Most patients see their appearance in their late teens or early twenties. When wisdom teeth erupt properly there is no reason to remove them. However, when they do not erupt properly they can cause various dental issues.

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wisdom tooth pain in twin falls idaho

Why Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Oftentimes, the removal of wisdom teeth is needed to protect your overall oral health. Problems arise when wisdom teeth grow sideways or only partially erupt. They can even get stuck beneath the gum and bone, causing them to become impacted. Impacted teeth may resort to shifting position as they try to find a pathway for eruption. When wisdom teeth are unable to erupt through the gumline, various complications can occur including:

  • Risk of infection in tissues surrounding the tooth
  • Pain, swelling and discomfort
  • Formation of tumors or cysts around impacted wisdom teeth, resulting in jawbone or tooth destruction.

We’ll Start with a Consultation

In order to evaluate the state of your wisdom teeth, we’ll first do a thorough examination and evaluate a panoramic x-ray of your mouth. This will help us determine if your wisdom teeth pose a current or future threat to your oral health.

Before the surgery, we’ll discuss the various forms of anesthesia we may use as well as any risks involved. In most cases the consultation and surgery can be performed at the same appointment. 

The Extraction Process

With most extractions, we believe it is easier on the patient to perform the surgery under anesthesia. We deliver a general anesthesia/deep IV sedation. We closely monitor you during the entire surgical procedure. 

After we remove the teeth and roots, we suture the gum tissue to close the wound and prevent infection. After the surgery, we allow you to rest under our supervision until you’re ready to be taken home. Our team will provide you with post-op care instructions and prescriptions for pain medications.

We will call you the next business day to check in and see how you are feeling. We can answer any questions you might have. Complications are rare and almost always minor. It is always our goal for you to have a pleasant and positive experience.

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